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Movies with Emily Watson

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War Horse


Format Widescreen Actor Jeremy Irvine    Category Family and Kids

The Life and Death of Peter Sellers


Format Widescreen Actor Charlize Theron    Category Comedy

Punch-Drunk Love (Superbit Collection)


Format Widescreen Actor Adam Sandler    Category Drama

The Book Thief


Format Widescreen Actor Sophie Nlisse    Category Drama

The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep


Format Widescreen Actor Alex Etel    Category Family and Kids

The Theory of Everything


Format Widescreen Actor Eddie Redmayne    Category Drama

The Book Thief [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor Sophie Nlisse    Category Drama Blu-Ray

The Proposition (Steelbook Packaging)


Format Widescreen Actor David Gulpilil    Category Steelbook

Red Dragon [Blu-ray]


Format Widerscreen Actor Anthony Hopkins    Category Drama Blu-Ray

War Horse


Format Blu-ray Actor Jeremy Irvine    Category Drama Blu-Ray

Corpse Bride


Format Fullscreen Actor Johnny Depp    Category Family and Kids



Format Widescreen Actor Christian Bale    Category Sci-Fi

Equilibrium [DVD + Digital]


Format Widescreen Actor Christian Bale    Category Sci-Fi