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Movies with Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio

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Scarface (1983) [Blu-ray]


Format Widerscreen Actor Al Pacino    Category Action Blu-Ray

Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves


Format Widescreen Actor Kevin Costner    Category Action



Format Fullscreen Actor Al Pacino    Category Action

The Abyss


Format Fullscreen Actor Ed Harris    Category Suspense

The Abyss


Format Widescreen Actor Captain Brewer    Category Sci-Fi

Three Wishes


Format Unknown Actor Patrick Swayze    Category Family and Kids



Format Widescreen Actor Al Pacino    Category Action

Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves


Format Widescreen Actor Kevin Costner    Category Action

The Perfect Storm


Format Widescreen Actor Allen Payne    Category Suspense

The Abyss


Format Unknown Actor Ed Harris    Category Sci-Fi