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Forsaken Country


Format Paperback Author Allen Eskens    Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction

Like a Sister


Format Hardcover Author Kellye Garrett    Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction

The Stolen Hours


Format Paperback Author Allen Eskens    Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction

Golden State


Format Hardcover Author Ben H. Winters    Category Fiction (Literary & Historical)

IQ (IQ #1)


Format Paperback Author Joe Ide    Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction



Format Paperback Author Lauren Beukes    Category Science Fiction and Fantasy



Format Hardcover Author Zoje Stage    Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction



Format Paperback Author Zoje Stage    Category Horror Fiction

A Haunting on the Hill: A Novel


Format Hardcover Author Elizabeth Hand    Category Horror Fiction

In the Clearing


Format Paperback Author Pomare, JP    Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction

The Chain


Format Paperback Author Adrian McKinty    Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction



Format Paperback Author Denise Mina    Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction