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Apologetics Books

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Evidence for the Resurrection


Format Hardcover Author Josh McDowell    Category Apologetics

Christian Apologetics


Format Paperback Author Norman Geisler    Category Apologetics

Faith and Reason


Format Paperback Author Ronald Nash    Category Apologetics

Christian Commitment an Apologetic


Format Paperback Author Edward Carnell    Category Apologetics

Evidence for Christianity


Format Paperback Author Josh McDowell    Category Apologetics

The Real Face of Atheism


Format Paperback Author Ravi Zacharias    Category Apologetics

Why I Believe


Format Paperback Author James Kennedy    Category Apologetics

Know Why You Believe


Format Paperback Author Paul Little    Category Apologetics

What's So Great about Christianity


Format Paperback Author Dinesh D'Souza    Category Apologetics

What's So Great About Christianity


Format Hardcover Author Dinesh D'Souza    Category Apologetics

Christian Apologetics


Format Hardcover Author Norman Geisler    Category Apologetics

Handbook of Christian Apologetics


Format Paperback Author Peter Kreeft    Category Apologetics

Reason for the Hope Within


Format Paperback Author Murray    Category Apologetics

Is Jesus the Only Savior?


Format Paperback Author Ronald Nash    Category Apologetics

Can Man Live Without God


Format Paperback Author Ravi Zacharias    Category Apologetics

Confessing Christ


Format Paperback Author Calvin Cummings    Category Apologetics

Dear Agnos: A Defense of Christianity


Format Hardcover Author Arlie Hoover    Category Apologetics

How Could a Loving God?


Format Paperback Author Ken Ham    Category Apologetics

Paul Little's Why & what book


Format Hardcover Author Paul Little    Category Apologetics