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The Road to Mecca

Author Muhammad Asad

Format Paperback

Publisher Fons Vitae

Category Islam

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Within the first few paragraphs of this extraordinary and beautifully written autobiography, the reader recognizes s/he is immersed in a timeless spiritual classic. The grandson of a Central European Orthodox rabbi, Asad yearned for a life without the "carefully contained, artificial defenses which security-minded people love to build up around them," where he could find for himself "an approach to the spiritual order of things." He found his first "quiet gladness" in Taoism, only regretting this "ivory tower" could not be lived in. Against his father's wishes, he left the pursuit of a doctorate in Vienna to take up journalism. His fascinating travels took him to Jerusalem, Arabia, and India, and finally into service at the United Nations. In 1926, Asad embraced Islam. His account of his years in Arabia, his desert adventures, friendship with King Saud, and marriage there is truly gripping. "Trenchant with adventure magnificently described, and a commentary upon the inner meaning of Arab and Moslem life, helpful to all who would achieve a more accurate understanding of the Arabs and their lands."--Christian Science Monitor


Muhammad Asad

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Fons Vitae
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1887752374

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