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Chazown: Define Your Vision. Pursue Your Passion. Live Your Life on Purpose.


Author Craig Groeschel

Format Paperback

Publisher Multnomah Books

Category Christian Living

Chazown (pronounced khaw-ZONE)from the Hebrew, meaninga dream, revelation, or vision. You were born with your own Chazown. Do you know what it is? You’re invited on a most unusual odyssey—to find, name, and live out your personal Chazown. It’s a journey you’ll never forget because it’s impossible to return unchanged. Practical, fresh, and biblically sound, Chazown is a one-of-a-kind life planning experience. Perhaps for the first time, you’ll clearly understand what you’ve always suspected: I have been created and put on earth for a unique and important purpose.And God intends for me to know it and live it with passion and fulfillment for His glory. Craig Groeschel will help you get under the surface of your life to discover your life purpose in three often overlooked areas: your core values, your spiritual gifts, and your past experiences. He’ll help you turn it into a highly motivating credo—complete with short-term goals, action steps, and a supportive network to make your big dream a reality. And then Craig will show you how to apply your own chazown to five critical areas of your life: your relationship with God, your relationships with people, your finances, your health and fitness, and your work. Are you living someone else’s dream for your life, or no dream at all? Get ready for Chazown. For resources, visit The Chazown Experience at www.chazown.com


Craig Groeschel

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2010-08-10
  • Publisher: Multnomah Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781601423139
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748896 Very Good Warehouse 69-10-2 $6.99 Add to Cart