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Raven Girl

Author Audrey Niffenegger

Format Hardcover

Publisher Abrams ComicArts

Category Science Fiction and Fantasy

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Once there was a Postman who fell in love with a Raven.So begins the tale of a postman who encounters a fledgling raven while on the edge of his route and decides to bring her home. The unlikely couple falls in love and conceives a child—an extraordinary raven girl trapped in a human body. The raven girl feels imprisoned by her arms and legs and covets wings and the ability to fly. Betwixt and between, she reluctantly grows into a young woman, until one day she meets an unorthodox doctor who is willing to change her.One of the world’s most beloved storytellers has crafted a dark fairy tale full of wonderment and longing. Complete with Audrey Niffenegger’s bewitching etchings and paintings, Raven Girl explores the bounds of transformation and possibility.


Audrey Niffenegger

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2013-05-07
  • Publisher: Abrams ComicArts
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781419707261

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