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Heaven How to Get There

Author L. Moody

Format Paperback

Publisher Whitaker House

Category Christian Living

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This world that so many think is heaven is the home of sin, a hospital of sorrow, a place with nothing in it to satisfy the soul. -from "Heaven: Its Hope" Perhaps the greatest American evangelist of the 19th century, Dwight Moody inspired millions with his sermons. And though more than a century separates us from his impassioned explications of the Bible, Moody's ardor rings with overtones of today's fundamentalist Christianity...and can offer critical clues to understanding the orthodox religious outlook still dramatically influencing our culture in the 21st century. Moody explains why Christians believe: . that the Bible is invariably correct ("None of the other religious volumes, like the Koran, that claim a divine origin, agree with common sense") . who resides in heaven ("The inhabitants of Heaven will be select") . that they are set apart from the larger culture ("We must go against the current of this world") . and more. Also available from Cosimo Classics: Moody's The Way to God and Sowing and Reaping. American evangelist DWIGHT LYMAN MOODY (1837-1899) was born in New England, the child of a large working-class family. A religious conversion as an adult led him to found a ministry in Chicago, to work as a battlefield missionary during the Civil War, and eventually to lead massive evangelical crusades during the 1870s and 80s in both England and the United States. He found Christian schools and a Christian publishing house, which published his many nondenominational evangelical tracts.


L. Moody

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Whitaker House
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780883681152

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