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Dream Theatres of the Soul: Empowering the Feminine Through Jungian Dream Work


Author Jean Raffa

Format Paperback

Publisher Innisfree / LuraMedia

Category Psychology

What are your dreams telling you? Dr. Raffa believes that "dreams show us who we are and what we can become." In this fascinating book of how to analyze dreams, explore the feminine aspects, and use dreams to grow emotionally and spiritually, Raffa combines the metaphor of a theatre with the practicality of a handbook to provide a practical guide to understanding your dreams.


Jean Raffa

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Innisfree / LuraMedia
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781880913109
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
2154653 Good Fern Park 48-3-4 $6.99 Add to Cart