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Amma: The Life and Words of Amy Carmichael

Author Elizabeth Skoglund

Format Paperback

Publisher Baker Books

Category Christian Biography

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Amy Carmichaels writings have helped fill an enormous need of Christian women: in-depth spiritual mentoring. Elizabeth Skoglund, whose encounter with Carmichaels books early in life shaped her own spiritual growth, has lovingly woven together the best of Carmichaels writings with fascinating biographical sketches. Readers will learn of the tenacious Irish missionary to India who fought a powerful pagan religion to rescue young children doomed to temple prostitution. She was Gods woman whether she was caring for the Indian orphans who called her Amma (mother) or writing the poems and spiritual reflections that have influenced so many. As readers draw from Ammas words and learn from her courageous life, they will be comforted, inspired, and strengthened. She deals with the crucial issues of life today, from time stresses, child rearing, and a childs death to suffering, cultural influences, and prayer. This books hardcover edition was published in 1994.


Elizabeth Skoglund

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780801061271

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