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Studio Warner Home Video

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Green Lantern: Emerald Knights


Format Widescreen Actor Nathan Fillion    Category Superhero

Summer of '42


Format Widescreen Actor Gary Grimes    Category Drama

The Great Ziegfeld


Format Unknown Actor William Powell    Category Classics

The Yearling


Format Unknown Actor Gregory Peck    Category Family and Kids

Blade Runner (AFI Top 100)


Format Unknown Actor Edward Olmos    Category Sci-Fi

Nip/Tuck: The Complete Fourth Season


Format Widescreen Actor Dylan Walsh    Category TV Series



Format Widescreen Actor Matt Damon    Category Drama

Supernatural: The Complete 3rd Season


Format Widescreen Actor Jared Padalecki    Category TV Series

A Mighty Wind


Format Widescreen Actor Catherine O'Hara    Category Comedy

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof


Format Widescreen Actor Elizabeth Taylor    Category Classics



Format Widescreen Actor Jon Voight    Category Drama

Must Love Dogs


Format Widescreen Actor Diane Lane    Category Comedy

Green Lantern: First Flight


Format Widescreen Actor Christopher Meloni    Category Superhero

How the West Was Won


Format Widescreen Actor James Stewart    Category Western

How the Grinch Stole Christmas


Format Fullscreen Actor Boris Karloff    Category Christmas DVD

Sudden Impact


Format Widescreen Actor Clint Eastwood    Category Drama

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective


Format Fullscreen Actor Jim Carrey    Category Comedy

Training Day


Format Widescreen Actor Cliff Curtis    Category Drama



Format Widescreen Actor John Travolta    Category Drama

The Phantom of the Opera


Format Widescreen Actor Gerard Butler    Category Musical



Format Widescreen Actor Paul Newman    Category Classics

Murder by Numbers


Format Widescreen Actor Sandra Bullock    Category Suspense

Shaft in Africa


Format Widescreen Actor Richard Roundtree    Category Action

True Romance: Director's Cut


Format Widescreen Actor Brad Pitt    Category Action

Casablanca (AFI Top 100)


Format Fullscreen Actor Claude Rains    Category Classics

I Am Legend


Format Unknown    Category Drama Blu-Ray

Letters From Iwo Jima


Format Widescreen Actor Ken Watanabe    Category Drama

Heat [Blu-ray]


Format Widescreen Actor Al Pacino    Category Action Blu-Ray

The Book of Eli [Blu-ray]


Format Widescreen Actor Denzel Washington    Category Drama Blu-Ray

The Matrix Collection: 4 Film Favorites


Format Widescreen Actor Keanu Reeves    Category Sci-Fi

Preacher's Kid


Format Widescreen Actor Letoya Luckett    Category Drama

Flipper's New Adventure


Format Widescreen Actor Luke Halpin    Category Family and Kids

Nip/Tuck: The Sixth and Final Season


Format Widescreen Actor Dylan Walsh    Category TV Series

Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who


Format Widescreen Actor Hans Conried    Category Family and Kids

Dennis the Menace Christmas


Format Widescreen Actor Maxwell Cotton    Category Christmas DVD

Imagine: John Lennon


Format Widescreen Actor Paul McCartney    Category Entertainment

Roots: The Next Generations


Format Widescreen Actor Georg Brown    Category TV Series

Battle Cry


Format Fullscreen Actor Van Heflin    Category War

Wrongfully Accused


Format Fullscreen Actor Leslie Nielsen    Category Comedy

Unforgiven (AFI Top 100)


Format Widescreen Actor Clint Eastwood    Category Western