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Believing God: Twelve Biblical Promises Christians Struggle to Accept


Author Sproul

Format Hardcover

Publisher Reformation Trust Publishing

Category Christian Living

In his latest book, Believing God: 12 Biblical Promises Christians Struggle to Accept, Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. challenges Christians to take a second glance at the promises of God in the Bible in order to see anew the grandeur of what God has committed Himself to do for His people. Sproul explores twelve of the most significant promises in Scripture, methodically unpacking each divine pledge. He shows that while Christians may express trust in God s words, they refuse, in numerous ways, to stake their lives on what He says. Sproul goes on to present the clear biblical meaning of each promise and strives to help his readers grasp the sheer wonder and glory of it. Biblical passages on which Sproul focuses include God s promises to forgive the sins of those who confess their transgressions to Him (1 John 1:9); to give wisdom to those who ask it of Him (James 1:5); and to give His people the desires of their hearts (Ps. 37:4). In the final analysis, the book functions as a mirror in which every reader with a teachable heart will see how he or she can more fully believe God. All Christians who appreciate careful biblical teaching and heartfelt passion for God will appreciate and benefit from this book.



Additional Info

  • Publisher: Reformation Trust Publishing
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781567691122
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
734256 Very Good Fern Park 13-8-6 $7.99 Add to Cart
1701773 Very Good Warehouse 64-11-3 $9.99 Add to Cart