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Rifts World Book 10: Juicer Uprising


author C. J. Carella


Category Roleplaying Guides

A Coalition plot fools a number of innocent people into undergoing Juicer augmentation. When the lies are revealed, a Juicer army rises up to lay siege to the CS city of Newtown. Chaos erupts as Juicers, bandits and outlaws ravage the countryside. Action packed adventure and source material!Highlights Include:New types of Juicer O.C.C.s, including the Hyperion speed-demon, the giant Titan with his supernatural strength, the mysterious Mega-Juicer, and the Dragon Juicer (dependent on the blood of dragons to sustain his powers)!The Juicer O.C.C., developed and expanded; the motivations behind these suicidal warriors, and the process and effects of being "juiced" completely described.The Prometheus Treatment: Immortality for the Juicers or a Coalition lie?More world information about North America, Newtown, Fort El Dorado and hints of things to come.Written by C.J. Carella with concepts by Siembieda.160 pages


C. J. Carella

Additional Info

  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9780916211929
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3614750 Very Good Fern Park 10-4-2 $14.99 Add to Cart