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Civil War Books

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Reveille in Washington


Format Hardcover Author Margaret Leech    Category Civil War

Gettysburg: You are There


Format Hardcover Author Robert Clasby    Category Civil War

Co. Aytch First Tennessee Regiment


Format Hardcover Author Sam Watkins    Category Civil War

A Stillness At Appomattox 1953


Format Hardcover Author Bruce Catton    Category Civil War

Mary Chesnut's Civil War


Format Paperback Author Mary Chesnut    Category Civil War

The Wartime Papers Of Robert E. Lee


Format Paperback Author Clifford Dowdey    Category Civil War

From Schoolboy to Soldier


Format Paperback Author Quincy S. Abbot    Category Civil War

The Civil War in Photographs


Format Paperback Author William Davis    Category Civil War

Gettysburg--The Second Day


Format Hardcover Author Harry Pfanz    Category Civil War

The Civil War: A History


Format Mass Market Paperback Author Harry Hansen    Category Civil War