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Sci Fi DVDs

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes


Format Widescreen Actor James Franco    Category Sci-Fi

Universal Soldier - Lock Up


Format Unknown    Category Sci-Fi



Format Widescreen Actor Sam Worthington    Category Sci-Fi

Alien Raiders


Format Widescreen Actor Derek Basco    Category Sci-Fi

The Chronicles of Riddick


Format Widescreen Actor Alexa Davalos    Category Sci-Fi



Format Fullscreen Actor Al Matthews    Category Sci-Fi



Format Widescreen Actor Don Ameche    Category Sci-Fi

Close Encounters of the Third Kind


Format Widescreen Actor Richard Dreyfuss    Category Sci-Fi

Planet of the Apes


Format Widescreen Actor Mark Wahlberg    Category Sci-Fi

The 6th Day


Format Widescreen Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger    Category Sci-Fi

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Format Widescreen Actor Bailey (iv)    Category Sci-Fi

Star Wars Trilogy


Format Fullscreen Actor Carrie Fisher    Category Sci-Fi



Format Widescreen Actor Christian Bale    Category Sci-Fi

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Format Widescreen Actor Bonnie Wright    Category Sci-Fi

Titan A.E.


Format Widescreen Actor Matt Damon    Category Sci-Fi

Jurassic Park III


Format Widescreen Actor William Macy    Category Sci-Fi

Jurassic Park


Format Widescreen Actor Sam Neill    Category Sci-Fi

King Kong - Extended Cut


Format Widescreen Actor Peter Jackson    Category Sci-Fi

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


Format Widescreen Actor Elijah Wood    Category Sci-Fi

The Invasion


Format Widescreen    Category Sci-Fi

The Terminator


Format Widescreen Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger    Category Sci-Fi

The Fifth Element


Format Widescreen Actor Brion James    Category Sci-Fi

Reign of Fire


Format Widescreen Actor Matthew McConaughey    Category Sci-Fi

Highlander: Endgame


Format Widescreen Actor Adrian Paul    Category Sci-Fi

Red Planet


Format Widescreen Actor Val Kilmer    Category Sci-Fi



Format Widescreen Actor Brad (ii)    Category Sci-Fi

Predator 2


Format Widescreen Actor Danny Glover    Category Sci-Fi

Invasion of the Body Snatchers


Format Widescreen Actor Brooke Adams    Category Sci-Fi

The X-Files: Fight the Future


Format Widescreen Actor Blythe Danner    Category Sci-Fi

Terminator 2: Judgment Day


Format Widescreen Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger    Category Sci-Fi

2001 - A Space Odyssey (AFI Top 100)


Format Widescreen Actor Keir Dullea    Category Sci-Fi

Babylon A.D.


Format Widescreen Actor Vin Disesel    Category Sci-Fi



Format Widescreen Actor Eric Stoltz    Category Sci-Fi

The Last Starfighter


Format Widescreen Actor Lance Guest    Category Sci-Fi



Format Unknown Actor Linda (ii)    Category Sci-Fi

The Triangle


Format Widescreen Actor Eric Stoltz    Category Sci-Fi

Back to the Future - The Complete Trilogy


Format Widescreen Actor Michael Fox    Category Sci-Fi

12 Monkeys


Format Widescreen Actor Bruce Willis    Category Sci-Fi

The Running Man


Format Fullscreen Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger    Category Sci-Fi

Planet of the Apes


Format Widescreen Actor Charlton Heston    Category Sci-Fi

Robocop 3


Format Widescreen Actor Nancy Allen    Category Sci-Fi



Format Widescreen Actor Matthew Broderick    Category Sci-Fi

Jurassic Park Adventure Pack


Format Widescreen Actor Rona Benson    Category Sci-Fi



Format Widescreen Actor Dustin Hoffman    Category Sci-Fi



Format Unknown Actor Eric Roberts    Category Sci-Fi