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Funforge Salem Board Game


Category Strategy Board Games

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In an atmosphere of pessimism and charged paranoia, the citizens of Salem are at the mercy of demons; not demons of the soul, but demons of the mind! This game incites the atmosphere of paranoia that held the village of Salem captive. Players act with the assumption that there are witches among them (and, in this case, there will be). Each player controls six residents of Salem, three of whom are witches. Game play is simple: try to rid the village of witches and keep the identities of your own residents secret. Each of the four rounds has two parts: a Witch Hunt and a Witch Trial, followed by hangings (the dates of which correspond to the four actual hangings that took place in Salem that year). During the Witch Hunt, players send residents to jail and provide alibis for their own jailed citizens. At the end of each round, all jailed citizens stand trial. Players then collectively decide who is hanged and who is spared.

Additional Info

  • Format:
  • UPC: 091845494604

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