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Finishing Strong: Going the Distance for Your Family

Author Steve Farrar

Format Paperback

Publisher Multnomah Books

Category Parenting

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Bestselling author Steve Farrar has good news for the average man: it doesn't matter if you've had a great start in the Christian life, or a rough one. It doesn't matter if you've stumbled time and again, or even fallen flat on your face. What matters most in this all-important race of life is how you finish. According to Farrar, the man who hangs in there for the long haul with his wife, his kids, and his Lord is an exception these days. Finishing Strong, now in trade paperback, offers lively use of Scripture, contemporary illustrations, and study questions to equip every reader to be that exception. For the man who wants to climb the character ladder more than the corporate one, this is an essential tool..


Steve Farrar

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2000-10-09
  • Publisher: Multnomah Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781576737262

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