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When God Winks : How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life

Author Squire Rushnell

Format Hardcover

Publisher Beyond Words Pub Co

Category Christian Living

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Coincidences happen every day, to people of all ages, in every corner of the world. Are they events that coincide by pure accident and only seem to have a connection, or are they part of a larger, intentional pattern? Veteran television executive SQuire Rushnell suggests that these occurrences are the work of a Supreme Being, signposts to help people successfully navigate through life. Understanding why coincidences exist and knowing how to interpret them are the underlying themes of these true stories from history, sports, medicine, and the lives of both everyday people and celebrities. Rushnell casts doubt on the notion of arbitrary occurrences, building a case for purpose-filled lives.


Squire Rushnell

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Beyond Words Pub Co
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781582700519

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