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Called to Be God's Leader: How God Prepares His Servants for Spiritual Leadership (Biblical Legacy)

Author Henry Blackaby

Format Hardcover

Publisher Thomas Nelson

Category Bible People

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In Created to Be God’s Friend, Henry Blackaby explored the life of Abraham, and in Chosen to Be God’s Prophet, he examined God’s work through Samuel. Now in Called to Be God’s Leader, readers will see how God applies leadership principles in the life of the great biblical leader Joshua. What did God have in mind when He saw Joshua as a young slave in Egypt? How did He mold and shape Joshua to prepare him for service? Through Joshua and numerous examples from their own lives, the authors create a picture of God’s ways, offering deep insight that readers can apply to their own lives. Purpose, Obedience, Faith, Character, and Influence are among the themes that are included in the book; key truths are emphasized at the end of each chapter.


Henry Blackaby

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780785262039

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