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Eye See You: A Poster Book

Author Storey

Format Paperback

Publisher Storey Publishing, LLC

Category Kids Facts

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The eyes have it! Animal eyes capture children’s imaginations and provide an educational introduction to the animal’s daily activities and standing in the wild kingdom. The large black-and-white smiling eyes of the Giant Panda — the ones humans think are so cute! — actually look fierce to predators; and one look at the bright, focused eyes of a panther conveys the superiority of its predatory skills. For every child who loves the compelling immediacy of eye-to-eye animal photos, here are 30 full-color, pull-out portraits of mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, and invertebrates — all with arresting gazes that tell fascinating stories. On the back of each poster, children will find general facts about the animal, followed by specific information about those amazing eyes, and an exciting descriptive scene from the animal’s life, giving the child a thrilling you-are-there experience. From the extremely sharp “eagle eyes” of a White-Tailed Eagle to the color-blind eyes of the majestic Grey Wolf and the enormous round eyes of the Tarsier, every pair of animal eyes will have kids staring back in wonder.



Additional Info

  • Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781580178488

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