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Lambs Dancing with Wolves

Author Michael Griffiths

Format Paperback

Publisher Kregel Publications

Category Evangelism and Missions

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Our screens are full of science fiction encounters with aliens. But a far more accessible adventure lies at our doorsteps: reaching out with the Gospel to those of other cultures. The privilege of crossing cultural boundaries, and encountering people whose ways of thinking, language and customs differ radically from our own, is a source of excitement. It also presents traps and sometimes threats. Yet to remain monocultural is to impoverish oneself and to leave vast areas of our potential memory banks as empty vaults. God's command is to spread the love and good news of Jesus to all people. Dr Griffiths' title is based on Jesus's instruction to his disciples in Luke 10 "I am sending you out like lambs in the midst of wolves." Christ does not send his lambs - us - out to live among wolves to destroy them or to be destroyed, but rather to bond with them and win them over. This comprehensive manual includes chapters on language, empathy, culture shock, appreciating "wolf" culture, presenting the Gospel, leadership, marriage and singleness, quality of life and much more.


Michael Griffiths

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Kregel Publications
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780825460166

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