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Meg: Hell's Aquarium: Hell's Aquarium

Author Steve Alten

Format Hardcover

Publisher Variance Publishing LLC

Category Horror Fiction

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The Philippine Sea Plate... the deepest, most unexplored realm on the planet. Hidden beneath its ancient crust lies the remains of the Panthalassa, an ocean that dates back 220 million years. Vast and isolated, the Panthalassa in inhabited by nightmarish species of sea creatures long believed extinct. Tanaka Institute, Monterey, CA.: Angel, the recaptured 76 foot, 100,000 pound Megalodon, has birthed a liter of pups -- five females -- far too numerous and aggressive to keep in one pen. One solution: A Dubai royal prince is building the largest aquarium in the world and seeks to purchase two of the "runts." The deal hinges on hiring Jonas Taylor's 21 year old son, David, to be their trainer. Jonas reluctantly agrees, and David is off to Dubai for the summer of his life-- --not realizing he is being set-up to lead an expedition that will hunt down and capture the most dangerous creatures ever to inhabit the planet!


Steve Alten

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Variance Publishing LLC
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781935142041

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