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Infinity and the Mind


Author Rudy Rucker

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Bantam

Category Physics

In Infinity and the Mind, Rudy Rucker leads an excursion to that stretch of the universe he calls the "Mindscape," where he explores infinity in all its forms: potential and actual, mathematical and physical, theological and mundane. Rucker acquaints us with G�del's rotating universe, in which it is theoretically possible to travel into the past, and explains an interpretation of quantum mechanics in which billions of parallel worlds are produced every microsecond. It is in the realm of infinity, he maintains, that mathematics, science, and logic merge with the fantastic. By closely examining the paradoxes that arise from this merging, we can learn a great deal about the human mind, its powers, and its limitations. Using cartoons, puzzles, and quotations to enliven his text, Rucker guides us through such topics as the paradoxes of set theory, the possibilities of physical infinities, and the results of G�del's incompleteness theorems. His personal encounters with G�del the mathematician and philosopher provide a rare glimpse at genius and reveal what very few mathematicians have dared to admit: the transcendent implications of Platonic realism.


Rudy Rucker

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1983-11-01
  • Publisher: Bantam
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780553255317
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3151672 Very Good Warehouse 69-10-9 $4.99 Add to Cart