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Battles of the Bible: A Military History of Ancient Israel


Author Chaim Herzog

Format Hardcover

Publisher Barnes & Noble

Category Bible Reference

Battles of the Bible presents a comprehensive and illuminating account of the wars of ancient Israel. The Bible's military episodes, recounted here in vivid detail, cover a vast period, from the invasion of Canaan by the Israelites under Joshua's command, through the conquest of the kingdom by David and Solomon and the split of the kingdom into Judah and Israel, to the Maccabees' successful rebellion against Seleucid domination. The reliability of these accounts is supported by their technical accuracy and the descriptions of topographical conditions peculiar to specific battlefields. They bear comparison with military campaigns well after the biblical era, and provide strategic and tactical lessons of value even today. Battles of the Bible is a fascinating and valuable work, not only for its exacting scrutiny of the biblical accounts, but also for its insight into their wider and continuing relevance. This new, thoroughly revised edition takes into account current historical and archaeological research, as well as modern trends in biblical scholarship.


Chaim Herzog

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Barnes & Noble
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780760776261
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3114403 Very Good Fern Park 25-3-4 $7.99 Add to Cart