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Talking Faith: An Eight Part Study on Growing & Sharing Your Faith

Author Heather Kirk-Davidoff

Format Paperback

Publisher Chalice Press

Category Bible Study

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Talking Faith is not about teaching people what to believe or about going door-to-door in an evangelism campaign. It is about helping people to better understand and develop their own faith and helping them to be comfortable in sharing their faith with others. Heather Kirk-Davidoff and Nancy Wood-Lyczak believe that the key to nurturing faith lies in two Christian practices: prayer-conversation with God; and evangelism-conversation with others, especially those who are not part of a faith community. Talking Faith is for anyone interested in exploring further what it means to have a vital Christian faith. There are no other prerequisites. Participants need not have any Bible knowledge before they begin. Incorporating Bible study, interactive activities, and discussion, Talking Faith examines eight questions of faith. During each class, participants sing and pray and share their faith with one another. In all classes, Jesus Christ and the Bible are central to the discussion. All topics are examined in light of Jesus' life, ministry, witness, death, and his resurrection, helping participants to see Jesus as the foundation from which all conversation about Christian faith begins.


Heather Kirk-Davidoff

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Chalice Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780827236547

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