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The New Answers Book, Volume II (Answers Book Series)

Author Ken Ham

Format Paperback

Publisher Master Books

Category Creationism

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What happens when you have more hot questions on the Bible and creationism than you can answer in one book? You create a second volume! The New Answers Book: Volume 2 explores 21 exciting and faith-affirming topics, including: The fall of Lucifer and the origin of evil. When does life begin (and why does it matter)? Is evolution a religion (and why should I care)? Archeology, Egyptian chronology, and the Great flood. Could early biblical figures like Noah really live to over 900 years of age? What was the Star of Bethlehem (and how did the wise men follow it)? Sheol, Paradise, and Heaven; What's the difference, and where is my loved one now? The Evolutionization of our culture - including intelligent design, gay marriage, Hollywood movies, and more!


Ken Ham

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2008-05-15
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780890515372

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