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Upside Down: The Paradox of Servant Leadership

Author Stacy Rinehart

Format Paperback

Publisher NavPress

Category Leadership

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THE LEADERSHIP STYLE OF JESUS. Most believers are familiar with Jesus' recipe for leadership success: "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all." (Mark 10: 43-44) But when it comes to putting that into practice, many leaders are content to leave Jesus' advice on a dusty road in Galilee and follow society's leadership trends. Servant leadership-the kind of leadership Jesus practiced-is something that sets believers apart. The choice of whether to follow the leadership path to power, authority, and control or the road to humility and putting others first is an important one. Jesus cuts through the superfluous issues surrounding leadership and moves straight to the heart of the matter, addressing our motives and values, writes Dr. Rinehart. If you're ready to take your leadership to a new level by following Jesus' footsteps, Upside Down will challenge you to equip and liberate others to fulfill God's purposes for them in the world. "Two things stand out to me in Upside Down: Stacy Rinehart's passion to communicate servant leadership and his pilgirmage of leadership. He demonstrates a learning posture about leadership that all leaders need."- Dr. J. Robert (Bobby) Clinton, professor of leadership, Fuller Theological Seminary "Stacy's insights on leadership bring fresh clarity to a biblical understanding of this issue. If there were ever a time that leaders need to understand the true meaning of their position and function, it is now. A must read for both aspiring and seasoned leaders."- Joseph M. Stowell, president, Moody Bible Institute


Stacy Rinehart

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1998-06-01
  • Publisher: NavPress
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781576830796

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