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Lioness Rampant (The Song of the Lioness)

Author Tamora Pierce

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Simon Pulse

Category Science Fiction and Fantasy Mass Market

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Alanna continues to create her own life as a female warrior when she and new companions journey to the Roof of the World seeking the powerful Dominion Jewel, perhaps the last hope of saving her country from dissension and hostile magic. "I'm not sure I want to be a hero anymore." Having achieved her dream of becoming the first female knight errant, Alanna of Trebond is not sure what to do next. Perhaps being a knight errant is not all that Alanna needs ... But Alanna must push her uncertainty aside when a new challenge arises. She must recover the Dominion Jewel, a legendary gem with enormous power for good -- but only in the right hands. And she must work quickly. Tortall is in great danger, and Alanna's archenemy, Duke Roger, is back -- and more powerful than ever. In this final book of the Song of the Lioness quartet, Alanna discovers that she indeed has a future worthy of her mythic past -- both as a warrior and as a woman.


Tamora Pierce

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Simon Pulse
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780689878572

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