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Sober for Good: New Solutions for Drinking Problems -- Advice from Those Who Have Succeeded


Author Anne Fletcher

Format Paperback

Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Category Addictions and Recovery

Finally someone has gone straight to the real experts: hundreds of men and women who have resolved a drinking problem. The best-selling author Anne M. Fletcher asked them a simple question: how did you do it? The result is the first completely unbiased guide for problem drinkers, one that shatters long-held assumptions about alcohol recovery.Myth: AA is the only way to get sober.Reality: More than half the people Fletcher surveyed recovered without AA.Myth: You can't get sober on your own.Reality: Many people got sober by themselves.Myth: One drink inevitably leads right back to the bottle.Reality: A small number of people find they can have an occasional drink.Myth: There's nothing you can do for someone with a drinking problem until he or she is ready.Reality: Family and friends can make a big difference if they know how to help.Weaving together the success stories of ordinary people and the latest scientific research on the subject, Fletcher uncovers a vital truth: no single path to sobriety is right for every individual. There are many ways to get sober - and stay sober. SOBER FOR GOOD is for anyone who has ever struggled not to drink, coped with someone who has a drinking problem, or secretly wondered, "Do I drink too much?"


Anne Fletcher

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2002-04-17
  • Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780618219070
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
1831431 Very Good Warehouse 18-7-8 $7.49 Add to Cart