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Movies with Donald Pleasence

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Halloween [Blu-ray]


Format Widescreen Actor Brian Andrews    Category Horror Blu-Ray

Oh, God!


Format Widescreen Actor Ralph Bellamy    Category Comedy

Will Penny


Format Widescreen Actor Charlton Heston    Category Western

Halloween II


Format Widescreen Actor Jamie Curtis    Category Horror

THX 1138 - The Director's Cut


Format Widescreen Actor Robert Duvall    Category Sci-Fi

THX 1138


Format Widescreen Actor Robert Duvall    Category Sci-Fi



Format Widescreen Actor Donald Pleasence    Category Horror

The Night of the Generals


Format Widescreen Actor Joanna Pettet    Category War

Prince Of Darkness


Format Widescreen Actor Donald Pleasence    Category Horror

The Great Escape [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor Steve McQueen    Category Classics Blu-Ray

The Last Tycoon


Format Widescreen Actor Robert De Niro    Category Drama

Look Back in Anger


Format Widescreen Actor Richard Burton    Category Classics

The Advocate


Format Unknown Actor Colin Firth    Category Drama

Cul-de-sac [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor Donald Pleasance    Category Criterion