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The Kalahari Typing School for Men (Ladies Detective Agency #4)


Author Alexander Smith

Format Paperback

Publisher Anchor

Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction

THE NO. 1 LADIES DETECTIVE AGENCY. FOR ALL CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS AND ENQUIRIES. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FOR ALL PARTIES. UNDER PERSONAL MANAGEMENT.A beguiling mystery and lyrical novel of Africa -- the fourth in a series that the L.A. Times calls “thoroughly engaging and entertaining.”Now that The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency (the only detective agency for ladies and others in Botswana) is established, its founder, Precious Ramotswe, can look upon her life with pride: she’s reached her late thirties (“the finest age to be”), has a house, two children, a good fiancé -- Mr. J. L. B. Matekoni -- and many satisfied customers. But life is never without its problems. It turns out that her adopted son is responsible for the dead hoopoe bird in the garden; her assistant, Mma Makutsi, wants a husband and needs help with her idea to open the Kalahari Typing School for Men; yet Mma Ramotswe’s sexist rival has no trouble opening his Satisfaction Guaranteed Detective Agency across town. Will Precious Ramotswe’s delightfully cunning and profoundly moral methods save the day? Follow the continuing story of Botswana’s first lady detective in the irresistible The Kalahari Typing School for Men.


Alexander Smith

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2004-02
  • Publisher: Anchor
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781400031801
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3301678 Very Good Warehouse 58-7-1 $6.49 Add to Cart
746382 Very Good Warehouse 60-1-2 $6.99 Add to Cart
746397 Very Good Warehouse 64-8-3 $6.99 Add to Cart