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Movies with John Wayne

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In Old California


Format Fullscreen Actor John Wayne    Category Western

The Green Berets


Format Widescreen Actor John Wayne    Category War

The Magnificent Seven / The Alamo


Format Widescreen Actor Yul Brynner    Category Western

Fort Apache [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor John Wayne

Comedy Kings 50 Movie Pack


Format Unknown Actor Bing Crosby    Category Classics

The Quiet Man


Format Unknown Actor John Wayne    Category Classics

Dakota / In Old California (Double Feature)


Format Fullscreen Actor John Wayne    Category Classics



Format Fullscreen Actor Marlene Dietrich    Category Classics

Cahill: U.S. Marshall [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor John Wayne    Category War Blu-Ray

John Wayne: Screen Legend Collection


Format Widescreen Actor John Wayne    Category Boxed Set

Heroes of the Old West


Format Fullscreen Actor John Wayne    Category Western

The War Wagon


Format Widescreen Actor John Wayne    Category Western

John Wayne: Legend of a Cowboy 20 Movie Pack


Format Fullscreen Actor John Wayne    Category Western