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Books by Sarah Lolley

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The Adventures of Baron Munchausen


Format Widescreen Actor John Neville    Category Comedy



Format Widescreen Actor Adrien Brody    Category Suspense



Format Widescreen Actor Mia Kirshner    Category Drama

Babar - The Movie


Format Fullscreen Actor Gordon Pinsent    Category Family and Kids

Existenz [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor Willem Dafoe    Category Suspense Blu-Ray

Junior's Groove


Format Fullscreen Actor Martin Villafana    Category Drama

Dawn of the Dead [Blu-ray]


Format Widescreen Actor Sarah Polley    Category Horror Blu-Ray

Dawn of the Dead


Format Widescreen Actor Sarah Polley    Category Horror

Splice [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor Adrien Brody    Category Suspense Blu-Ray

The Weight of Water


Format Widescreen Actor Ciarn Hinds    Category Drama