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Death and Honor (Honor Bound #4)


Author Griffin

Format Hardcover

Publisher Putnam Adult

Category Military Fiction

The year is 1943, and Argentina is officially neutral, but crawling with every kind of spy, sympathizer, and military official imaginable. The hero is Cletus Frade, a Marine pilot recruited by the OSS, with strong family ties to Argentina, and a lot on his hands. OSS chief Wild Bill Donovan has asked him to set up his own official-but-really-OSS airline in Argentina, using "loaned" Lockheed Lodestars and Constellations. Of even more concern are two interwoven German operations: a government scheme for Jews outside the Fatherland to purchase the freedom of their relatives in concentration camps, who will then be transported to Argentina and Uruguay; and a plan called Operation Phoenix.



Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2008-06-03
  • Publisher: Putnam Adult
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780399154980
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
2141800 Good Warehouse 63-15-1 $7.99 Add to Cart