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Fitness Books

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The Biggest Loser: Power Walk


Format Widescreen Actor Bob Harper    Category Fitness

Jillian Michaels One Week Shred


Format Widescreen Actor Jillian Michaels    Category Fitness

Jillian Michaels: Shred-It With Weights


Format Fullscreen    Category Fitness



Format Widescreen    Category Fitness

Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown


Format Fullscreen Actor Jillian Michaels    Category Fitness

The Method: Cardio Boot Camp


Format Unknown Actor Tracey Mallett    Category Fitness

Resistance Cord Workout


Format Unknown    Category Fitness

Power 90 Ab Ripper 200


Format Fullscreen    Category Fitness

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred


Format Fullscreen Actor Jillian Michaels    Category Fitness

Karen Voight: Get Firm Fast


Format Unknown    Category Fitness

Work It Off: Cardio Dance


Format Unknown    Category Fitness

Cardio Pilates


Format Unknown Actor Ana Caban    Category Fitness

T'ai Chi Beginning Practice


Format Unknown Actor David-Dorian Ross    Category Fitness

Yoga for Beginners


Format Unknown Actor Patricia Walden    Category Fitness

Cardio Burn Yoga


Format Unknown Actor Patricia Moreno    Category Fitness

Dancing With the Stars - Cardio Dance


Format Fullscreen    Category Fitness

10 Minute Solution: Hot Body Boot Camp


Format Fullscreen Actor Amy Bento    Category Fitness

10 Minute Solution: Hip Hop Dance Mix


Format Fullscreen Actor Kristin Jacobs    Category Fitness