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Cloak of Deception (Star Wars)

Author James Luceno

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Del Rey

Category Science Fiction and Fantasy Mass Market

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From New York Times bestselling author James Luceno comes an all-new Star Wars adventure that reveals the action and intrigue unfolding directly before The Phantom Menace.“The Chancellor has little real power… He is mired down by baseless accusations of corruption. A manufactured scandal surrounds him, “ Senator Palpatine told Queen Amidala in Episode I. Tracing the thrilling chain of events that leads up to the Republic’s current chaotic state, this exciting novel follows Chancellor Valorum as he struggles with his fall from power… and the dark forces who have benefited greatly from his weakened position.Hoping to stem the growing tide of unrest, Valorum convenes an emergency trade summit on the planet Eriadu. At his request, a group of Jedi Knights is sent to protect the delegates from possible terrorist attack. But what should have been a simple peacekeeping assignment turns out to be a mission into the heart of a political firestorm. For shadowy forces are at work, pulling the strings in a masterful bid for power that could leave the Republic reeling. And the Chancellor is only its most visible victim…


James Luceno

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2002-06-25
  • Publisher: Del Rey
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780345442970

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