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Pathfinder RPG Guns & Gears Pocket Edition (P2)

author Paizo Staff


Category Roleplaying Guides

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Gear Up and Throw Down! When sword and spell just won't be enough to win the day, it's time to power up your game with clockwork gears, lightning coils, and black powder! Guns & Gears, the latest hardcover rulebook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (Second Edition), brings the excitement of firearms and fantasy technology to your tabletop! Unravel the secrets of clockworks with the new inventor class or blow away your opposition as a firearm-wielding gunslinger! In addition to new classes, a plethora of archetypes, backgrounds, vehicles, siege engines, gadgets, and the new automaton ancestry are all ready to expand your game with options for battlefields large and small. Guns & Gears features two new classes: the clever inventor and the sharpshooting gunslinger, automaton ancestry for players who want to play a customizable construct, firearms of all stripes, from the simple and effective flintlock pistol to versatile gunblades, more than a dozen new archetypes, scores of new gadgets and vehicles, siege engines and accompanying rules, and a gazetteer of Golarion revealing how firearms and technology fit into the Age of Lost Omens, including a look at the technology of the continents of Arcadia and Tian Xia and never-before-revealed secrets of the rough-and-tumble, gritty city of Alkenstar. The pocket edition presents the same contents in a smaller sized softcover for a lower price and better portability


Paizo Staff

Additional Info

  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9781640783713

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