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The Girl and the Dinosaur


author Hollie Hughes


Category Kids Picture

This evocative, beautifully illustrated picture book celebrates one girl's limitless imagination, perfect for fans of the Fan Brothers.\nAnything is possible and nothing's as it seems . . . \nIn a town by the seaside, Marianne is often seen digging for buried treasure on the beach. One day, she finds the most wonderful treasure of all--a dinosaur skeleton!\nThat night, Marianne makes a wish upon a star that her dinosaur will come to life. She wishes it with all her heart--and it comes true. Together, Marianne's adventures with her new friend are limited only by their imagination.\nThis enchanting picture book will take you on a magical journey far beyond the page.


Hollie Hughes

Additional Info

  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9781547603220
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
7002406 Very Good Fern Park 20-8-3 $7.99 Add to Cart