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The Finest Choice (Finest Trilogy)

Author Jean Rabe

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Tor Fantasy

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They were the Finest Creations—mystically forged creatures of perfection sent by the creators to aid the Fallen (mankind) during their mortal existence.Though they resemble ordinary horses they are highly intelligent, capable of communicating telepathically and completely moral. They are assigned to bond with individuals of great potential and then protect them from harm while guiding them along a path of virtue.Gallant-Stallion has found his charge, a young girl by the name of Kalantha, whose brother is soon to be king and the pawn of a deceitful and murderous bishop who covets the royal power and has allied himself with creatures of the dark arts. The Finest has successfully removed her from his influence but now must contend with the other temptations of the world—the lure of power, the mystery of learning and knowledge, and the intrigue and freedom of adventure and independence.Kalantha is still young and bitter over her lot in life, betrayed, envious, and scared, and her mentor Gallant-Stallion is unsure of how to lead her as is his duty as her Finest.The Finest series combines elements of Misty Lackey’s Valdemarr series with C.S.Lewis’s Narnia for an inspiring tale of mystical intrigue and the crucible of morality for mankind.


Jean Rabe

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-08-29
  • Publisher: Tor Fantasy
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780765347282

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