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Shadow Wolf (Wolves of the Beyond, Book 2) [Paperback] (Wolves of the Beyond, Book 2)

Author Kathryn Lasky

Format Paperback

Publisher Scholastic Press (October 2010

Category Jr. Fiction

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The wolf pup Faolan was born with a twisted paw, a slight defect that caused his wolf clan to abandon him in the forest to die. But Faolan, with the help of the grizzly bear who raised him as her own, survived. Now he's made it back to his clan and as a gnaw wolf, the lowest ranking pack member. And the hardships are just beginning. A wolf pup is murdered and Faolan is framed for the crime. Faolan's survival is once again on the line. He must hunt the true culprit...while his own pack hunts him.


Kathryn Lasky

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Scholastic Press (October 2010
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780545282116

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