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Meeting Jesus Together: Introducing Salugenic Community

Author Susan Williams

Format Paperback

Publisher Biblica Publishing

Category Church Development

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Why do we feel so alone and lost? More and more people are feeling isolated, missed, and unknown, and yet the church seems to be one of the main culprits in creating this ethos. We need to be about creating healthy, honest, and authentic communities that are safe places for people to know and be known. In Meeting Christ Together, Peter Holmes and Susan Williams explain exactly what that looks like and how we can create ‘salugenic’ or healthy relationships within the context of authentic community. They explain how a salugenic community is the network built by a group of people who are consistently experiencing life together, and it is a community that is committed to encouraging ongoing transformational change. Salugenic community is built on three assumptions: • If Christ is present in our relationships with each other, that should make a radical difference. • Such relationships provoke transformative change. • And, when these relationships are achieved, everyone notices the difference.


Susan Williams

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Biblica Publishing
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781606571026

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