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Thirteen Moons: A Novel

Author Charles Frazier

Format Hardcover

Publisher Random House

Category Fiction (Literary & Historical)

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At the age of twelve, under the Wind moon, Will is given a horse, a key, and a map, and sent alone into the Indian Nation to run a trading post as a bound boy. It is during this time that he grows into a man, learning, as he does, of the raw power it takes to create a life, to find a home. In a card game with a white Indian named Featherstone, Will wins a mysterious girl named Claire. As Will's destiny intertwines with the fate of the Cherokee Indians, including a Cherokee Chief named Bear, he learns how to fight and survive in the face of both nature and men, and eventually, under the Corn Tassel Moon, Will begins the fight against Washington City to preserve the Cherokee's homeland and culture. And he will come to know the truth behind his belief that only desire trumps time.


Charles Frazier

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-10-03
  • Publisher: Random House
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780375509322

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