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Father to Son: Life Lessons on Raising a Boy

Author Harry Harrison

Format Paperback

Publisher Workman Publishing Company

Category Gift Books and Journals

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A little book of wisdom for fathers on raising boys, Father to Son is a guide to the joys and responsibilities of fatherhood. Divided into sections covering the different stages of a boy's life, the book features one succinct lesson per page-some lighthearted, some serious, all supported by the book's strong moral backbone. Here is the importance of passing along skills- "Show him how to eat an Oreo." "Show him how to put a baseball in a new glove and wrap a belt around it." Of setting a good example-"Be home for dinner." "Do push-ups together." Of staying involved- "Race him. You'll never forget the day he beats you." "Be sure to meet his girlfriends." Being flexible-"If his favorite thing about organized sports is the uniform, let him wear it to school." Offering guideposts, material and intangible- "Hang a punching bag in the garage." "Put a computer in his room. Never a TV." "Never tell him boys don't cry-ask him why he's crying." Nurturing responsibility- "Make him understand that even a small lie makes him a liar." "Teach him the joy of finishing a job." And instilling wonder- "Teach him the joys of staring at the moon." "Encourage him to go barefoot."


Harry Harrison

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Workman Publishing Company
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780761118695

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