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Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder

Author Jo Nesbo

Format Paperback

Publisher Aladdin

Category Jr. Fiction

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Nilly is new to the neighborhood, but he is quick to make friends: Doctor Proctor, an eccentric professor; and Lisa, who is teased by the twin terrors Truls and Trym. Nilly and Lisa help Doctor Proctor develop his latest invention, a powder that makes you fart. The powder makes Nilly and Lisa very popular at school when they sell it for fifty cents a bag. And they get revenge on Truls and Trym by giving them a dose of extra-strength fart powder that shoots them up into a tree. All is good farty fun. Until someone steals the industrial-strength fart powder -- which was supposed to make Doctor Proctor famous -- to use for evil purposes....


Jo Nesbo

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2010-12-07
  • Publisher: Aladdin
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781416979739

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