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Ecclesiastes: Why Everything Matters (Preaching the Word)

Author Philip Ryken

Format Hardcover

Publisher Crossway

Category OT Commentary

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This new Preaching the Word commentary delivers careful exposition of Ecclesiastes as it unpacks the book's broad application and godly worldview. The book of Ecclesiastes is "about life, the way it really is," writes commentator Philip Ryken. Readers throughout the ages have been drawn to the way it honestly wrestles with the tedium of work, injustices in this life, the ravages of age, and the inevitability of death. But its wisdom, according to Ryken, is in teaching people to trust God with life's questions even in the midst of struggles. Pastors, writers, speakers, and students will find this Preaching the Word commentary to be a helpful resource in their teaching and studies. Ryken explores what will happen if we choose the world's offerings instead of God's and teaches valuable lessons about what it means to have a God-centered worldview. Ecclesiastes is the twenty-sixth volume of the Preaching the Word series—noted for its clear exposition, readability, practical application, and unqualified commitment to biblical authority. Ryken's commentary will not only enrich any individual study of Ecclesiastes but will equip Christian leaders in communicating its universal application to a wide audience.


Philip Ryken

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781433513756

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