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What Would Buddha Do?: 101 Answers to Life's Daily Problems

Author Franz Metcalf

Format Hardcover

Publisher Seastone, an imprint of Ulysses Press

Category Buddhism

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Would Buddha recommend a book called What Would Buddha Do? Since Buddha favored any effective means to getting a person on the road to enlightenment, the answer would have to be yes. Franz Metcalf, a long-time teacher of Buddhism, draws on the vast store of Buddhist literature in cobbling together a how-to book for living in the modern world. What would Buddha do when he can't resist having dessert? or when his child misbehaves? or when faced with close-minded people? The answers are all here in well-chosen snippets from Scripture, plus Metcalf's own sage comments. To be sure, Buddha would have edited out some of Metcalf's informal chatter, but when it comes to boiling down profound notions, Metcalf is right on the mark. The abiding themes are mindfulness, the interrelatedness of all things, and compassionate regard for others. What would Buddha do if he wanted practical advice for questions large and small? He'd get a small book called What Would Buddha Do?. --Brian Bruya


Franz Metcalf

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Seastone, an imprint of Ulysses Press
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781569751817

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