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Tourist Trap (Edgar & Ellen)

Author Charles Ogden

Format Hardcover

Publisher Aladdin

Category Jr. Fiction

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The scheming, spiteful little antiheroes of Rare Beasts--terrible twins Edgar and Ellen, a sort of Pugsley and Wednesday Addams duo--return for a second book in Charles Ogden's goth-themed, tongue-in-cheek series. Tourist Trap begins as Edgar and Ellen revel in their gloriously sinister home and the nearby "Gadget Graveyard," ripe with possibilities for misanthropic mischief. But the twins' beloved junkyard--and even their towering, mansion home--might be threatened by the pretentious plans of pompous Mayor Knightleigh, who hopes to get the town of Nod's Limbs on the National Registry of Historic Treasures. Edgar and Ellen, of course, immediately set out to thwart the mayor's plans by sabotaging a visiting tour of VIPs with monster attacks, insect sandwiches, and even a devilishly clever scheme involving the biggest piece of French toast in the universe. The fun format--forty-four short chapters, interspersed with Rick Carton's creepily cool pen-and-ink illustrations--makes for a quick read, and while the while the book never quite reaches Lemony Snicket levels of genius, kids will still love the many jokes and the twins' escalating, Grinch-style meanness (which, thankfully, never gets too mean). Watch for a third installment, Under Town. (Ages 9 to 12) --Paul Hughes


Charles Ogden

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-01-01
  • Publisher: Aladdin
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781416914112

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