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The End of Normal: A Wife's Anguish, A Widow's New Life

Author Stephanie Mack

Format Paperback

Publisher Plume

Category Memoirs

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A New York Times bestseller, the explosive and heartbreaking memoir from the widow of Mark Madoff and the daughter-in-law of Bernard Madoff When the news of Bernard Madoff�s Ponzi scheme broke, no one was more shocked than the members of his own family. Before then, Madoff�s son, Mark, and daughter- in-law, Stephanie, had built an idyllic life. Yet, while Mark�s thriving business was entirely separate from his father�s now notorious fund, he and Stephanie found themselves in the eye of the storm�and grappling with their own sense of betrayal. Mark refused to see or speak to his parents, and on the second anniversary of his father�s arrest, he hanged himself. Left to raise her children as a single mother, Stephanie tells the real story of her marriage to Mark, of being a part of the Madoff family, and of life for two years following her father-in-law�s arrest and incarceration. The End of Normal is a searing inside look at one of the most controversial stories of our time, and an extraordinary memoir of surviving personal tragedy amid public scandal.


Stephanie Mack

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2012-06-26
  • Publisher: Plume
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780452298576

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