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Sex... According to God

Author Kay Arthur

Format Hardcover

Publisher WaterBrook Press

Category Christian Living

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My friend, we live in a culture saturated with sex. Everywhere you turn it�s there�discussed, debated, demonstrated, and used to sell anything and everything from cars to shampoo. And the world�s message is loud and clear: You have to be desirable, attractive, and sexy in order to be loved.But I know far too many people who have been burned by sex�not only as children but as teens and adults�simply because it wasn�t sex according to God�s directions. And that breaks my heart�and His.Our problem today is that Christians haven�t studied the subject of sex in the Bible. That�s why I am so excited about this book. Here is the truth about sex�sex according to God, the one who created it. You and I are going to discover all that God has to say about sex in the Old and New Testaments. You are going to have answers to your questions about sex and solutions to your problems with sex. Together, we�re going to learn for ourselves what the Creator has to say about His creation. You�ll encounter truths that will enable you to enjoy and experience all that God intends in the incredible experience of becoming one flesh physically with your husband or wife. And you�re going to know how to conduct yourself until you get married, or if you never marry.You are going to learn so much, my friend, that God is going to use you in a significant way to help others in these difficult days. This could be the most powerful, most liberating study you�ve ever undertaken.--Kay Arthur


Kay Arthur

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2002-09-17
  • Publisher: WaterBrook Press
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781578566396

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