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Moments for Families of Prodigals: New Life Live! Meditations

Author Robert Morgan

Format Paperback

Publisher Navpress Publishing Group

Category Parenting

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"My son's in jail on a drug charge." "My daughter practices witchcraft." Parents who are forced to make such statements feel a pain like none other. Their hearts are heavy and they are deeply concerned about their child's well-being. Often they've tried everything: begging, praying, arguing, reasoning, making rules, and setting boundaries. But nothing works. What more can they do? Just accept it? In Moments for Families of Prodigals, parents find much-needed encouragement. This devotional is full of powerful stories of answered prayers, numerous ideas of what they can do while waiting for God to work in their child's life, and helpful teachings about how to deal with the pain. With prodigals, there are never any guarantees, but there can be a sense of peace.


Robert Morgan

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Navpress Publishing Group
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781576834732

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